The Roman Cypress system takes retaining walls to a whole new level. Roman Cypress capitalizes on the strength of the CypressStone system and adds its own natural weathered appearance to create the most popular look for segmental retaining wall systems on the market today. Roman Cypress is manufactured by putting a typical CypressStone unit through a tumbling process that rounds-off the edges and corners. This gives the wall a time-worn appearance that looks more like real stone, not concrete. Roman Cypress can be substituted for any CypressStone system application.
Roman Cypress is a complete retaining wall system that includes corners and a coping stone. Curved walls as well as straight walls and steps can be constructed with Roman Cypress, giving architects, engineers, contractors and homeowners the flexibility of design and the natural appearance they are looking for.
Roman Cypress can be used for gravity walls up to 4′-0″ and reinforced walls up to 26′-0″.
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